Exciting Announcement!

29 May 2023 | News

On May 29th, the HARESS consortium marked a significant milestone with the commencement of the DUAL USE project. HARESS, which stands for “Advanced Multi-UAV and Intelligent Launching-Recovery System for Enhancing Search and Surveillance Continuous Operations,” is a collaborative effort between CyRIC, SignalGeneriX, and CYENS. This remarkable project aims to address the following key areas:
✅Development of a system comprising multiple Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) for autonomous Search and Surveillance Operations.
✅Creation of an intelligent Launching and Recovery (i-LR) platform designed specifically for Unmanned Surface Vehicles (USVs) and vessels.
✅Establishment of a cloud-based control center for object detection, recognition, and tracking.
During the kick-off meeting, the consortium members extensively deliberated the project’s objectives, roadmap, and allocated responsibilities to ensure its successful implementation.
We encourage you to stay connected for further updates on this groundbreaking initiative!